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MIA Passenger & Aircraft Movements Insights

After publishing our BI dashboard tool based on the MIA public data set we would like to provide an overview of the data cleaning process involved and some interesting insights.

Data Cleaning

The available data from the respective websites (MIA and NSO) is in PDF and XLS formats and was first migrated to an SQL database. Some exploratory analysis was made and it was found that across different years some variations in the same airlines, cities, countries, and airports were found and needed to be addressed. In some cases, such as in Air Serbia, there were companies that re-branded and changed the name, this required some research and consolidation. In two particular cases, there were errors in summations and thus we double checked and made our own summations. Therefore, some yearly and monthly summations were calculated rather than quoting them as is from the reports. In some cases, the values for some months were missing but the yearly total was provided, we, therefore, distributed the difference across the missing months since there were only 2 cases.


After working on this tool and publishing it we would like to draw attention to a few interesting patterns.

Passenger Movement

Aircraft Movement

Market Share

Passenger to Aircraft Ratio by Airline

Passenger to Aircraft Ratio by Country


We would like to note that the data is as found on the MIA and NSO sites and ensquad Ltd. does not take responsibility for the correctness of said data. We would also like to note that this tool should not be considered in isolation, meaning that no concrete conclusion can be made without further investigation. Should you have any queries feel free to contact us on

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